Sunday, August 28, 2011


"The Consciousness Revolution - Satyagraha"
I did not really expect to be commenting on world events to the extent that I have felt it necessary to do so recently(and Ranga has been the recipient of my soliloquy!!), or to put it succinctly after Anna Hazare's movement against corruption where the common man found his voice after decades and united across all differences for the common good and showed the world how it should be done in a non-violent yet firm manner. 100 years plus after Gandhi the Satyagraha still is a potent weapon.
The choices Humanity is being presented with are manifesting in the physical World around us, as well as Within. Therefore in order to make the right Choices out of Freewill we must first be aware that such choices even exist, and what they are. And thanks to Anna, we have been woken up! Part of this process then is to understand what is taking place in the World generally.

Globally, this week we have witnessed the events rapidly unfolding in Libya, events that we have seen unfold before in Afghanistan and Iraq. As with Afghanistan and Iraq, the actions by "NATO" and the "western allies" in Libya have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with "humanitarianism" but absolutely everything to do with imperialism for strategic gain of resources and military position. Just as after the Second World War, Poland was thrown to the wolves and strategic alliances with Russia were signed, knowing well that the "Allies" were playing Devil's Advocate at the cost of several million lives in Eastern Europe, Germany was carved like the Christmas turkey and the West celebrated 'freedom' and 'victory'!.
As with Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Colonel Gaddafi was given the "opportunity", really an ultimatum, to cooperate with the US/UK/France under the guise of NATO, in "agreements" over oil reserves and other benefits, or to accept the consequences. As recently as 2009 Gaddafi was photographed shaking hands in an official "head of state" capacity with Barack Obama on official state visits. Around that time, Gaddafi entrusted US based Goldman Sachs with over a Billion dollars of Libya investment fund money, most of which Goldman Sachs subsequently lost (thanks to my friend Adrian and a few more who helped me in my studies).
Whatever deal Gaddafi was offered by the US/UK/NATO was clearly rejected by him, and this week we have seen the consequences of his decision as his country has been invaded and largely destroyed with considerable and ongoing loss of life. Yet even before any sign of stability is emerging, the major oil companies are already squabbling over the oil reserves of Libya, which are by far the largest on the African continent and amongst the largest in the World - which is no coincidence.
Although NATO once again claim that their actions are for "humanitarian reasons", the fact is that there are much greater "humanitarian" issues in numerous countries around the world, but the US/UK and NATO "allies" are not interested, simply because they have no natural resources of interest or military strategic position. The USA have been very concerned in recent years by the investment of China in various African countries, presumably due to strategic position in that area of the World, even though the investment and involvement has not been military.
In addition to oil, the bank of Libya also has considerable reserves of Gold bullion and billions of Dollars in cash, which the "allies" will now conveniently "manage". It should also be noted that although Gaddafi was a dictator, he was also considered to be benevolent and ensured that the Libyan people enjoyed a good quality of life. According to Amnesty International and other humanitarian organisations who have actually been located in Libya for many years, there was no evidence whatsoever of any form of human rights abuses in Libya to any significant degree, anymore than there were "weapons of mass destruction" ever developed or found in Iraq. (this is not to condone actions of dictators but to question the right and impunity with which some self appointed "global leaders" empower themselves to interfere in the sovereignity of other nations) These are basically unfounded accusations concocted by the US, UK, France and others to justify a military invasion of Libya for purely strategic and selfish purposes.
A similar pattern of events unfolded in Afghanistan commencing 32 years ago. The then Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan - just as the US and allies have more recently invaded Afghanistan, Iraq and now Libya - for strategic purposes.
The US provided the resistance, the Mujahideen, with weapons and money to fight the Soviet invasion, ultimately resulting in the Soviet withdrawal from the country. Out of the Mujahideen thencame the "Taliban" who then embarked on a takeover of their country from the "sponsored government" put in place by the US and allies. In early 2001 the Taliban led government declared that opium poppies and their subsequent use for heroin production was against their Muslim religion, and destroyed almost all opium poppy production from 70% of world supply to 10%. This unfortunately was masked by the infamous "9/11" incident took place very quickly followed by an invasion of Afghanistan by the US and "allies", citing the Taliban, who they had previously financed and armed, as "terrorists", and so began the "war on terror". Today, Afghanistan is once again by far the largest producer of opium poppies and therefore heroin in the world, under "allied control", and probable management by the CIA and other "military intelligence agencies". Russia has complained to the US that their overt support of the "opium poppy industry" has resulted in a considerable rise in heroin addiction in Russia. The "allied occupation" of Afghanistan continues as does Iraq for oil. The promises of pulling out by Presidents is just not happening.
A different approach has been applied in Libya which is about oil and geographic position.
In view of the considerable criticism within the USA of the so called "defence budget" against the backdrop of considerable financial instability, and widespread opposition to the military actions on Afghanistan and Iraq, the USA are taking more of a "back seat" in the Libya campaign, leaving overt action to the UK and France. You can be sure however that the US are as involved as ever but less conspicuously. The so called "rebels" in Libya are actually a whole hotchpotch of, obviously extremely well armed, funded and organised Arab mercenaries, with little or no interest in Libya. These mercenaries are being massively supported by "NATO airstrikes" - which have killed countless innocent people - and various "allied intelligence agencies" on the ground as well as marines and other covert military.
NATO claim that this is a "humanitarian mission" yet "carpet bombing" by UK planes as well as general support of the mercenaries has killed countless innocent people.
Of course the "allied sponsored democratic government" - is already in place, ready to receive billions of Dollars of their own money, in return for "oil contracts" and a rebuilding of the Libyan infrastructure which will probably be financed by loans from the "IMF", which can never be repaid, secured on Libyan oil and other key assets. Of course Libya will never see the money because, as with Iraq for example, it will go directly to US construction companies.
Will this bring democracy and stability?
No - anymore than it has in Afghanistan and Iraq, because, in reality, everything that happened did so against the wishes of the people who live in these countries. The next stage therefore will be an occupation of Libya masquerading as a "NATO peace keeping force". Just as in Pakistan, which is a puppet of USA and USA is hated by its people, and despite billions being doled for making it a military base for themselves due to its strategic position next to China and Russia, establishing themselves firmly in the Middle East, we are now seeing a change of heart on the part of USA towards Pakistan, in the guise of anger on it being"a terror hub", as it gradually becomes a minor player on the chess board of world politics. Isn't it strange and interesting that USA apparently is only now waking to this "terror" aspect of Pakistan despite India crying itself hoarse over the last few decades? Despite overwhelming evidence? This is Afghanistan repeating itself where they create the monster and then take control of the land in the guise of "peace keeping".
Almost all conflict in the World at all levels is due to duality, from the most fundamental materialism, to an "us and them" oriented perspective of the World. The "us and them" aspect of duality can manifest at any level, including for example the "class system", religion, cultures, countries, and of course, as is increasingly evident, the desire of the so called "global elite" to control humanity completely.
But there is a paradox. The objective of the so called, self-styled "global elite" is a "one world order", which, on the face of it, might seem like a worthy objective if it resulted in true Oneness.
There are many reasons why this "one world order" group will not succeed, India was and is a group of diverse humanity with different cultures and have managed to live in ahrmony due to "acceptance of this plurality."

The "popular media", particularly television, constantly and increasingly reinforces duality at all levels, in the interests of consumerism and control. If we view TV advertising for example, the objective is always to make people feel inferior, "worthless" or deprived/lacking in some way, by constantly suggesting that we need to look younger, more attractive, healthier etc, or that we need the latest gadget to "keep up" or to convey a more affluent image to those around us. (seen the latest ad proclaiming "Greed is Good"!?)
In other words, the majority of Humanity has self-abrogated Divine Freewill and Power, instead conveying all self-determination and control to a very few people who wish to abuse it., Governments that were elected by the public as public servants have become "leaders", given unlimited power by the public who willingly accepts them as "trusted leaders", and who have become drunk on this power and have started fogetting that they are only respresenting the people who put them there.
Now, much more could be said about this situation both in general and more specific terms, but we must move beyond pointing the finger of blame and self-pity, instead to face the Truth, which is this:
No group of Humanity, would have gained and abused any form of power or control over Humanity or group of people, without the mutual consent and conscious support of the Majority.
In other words we must all take responsibility for the way in which we make use of our own Freewill and Power, both Personally and Collectively.
If the majority of Humanity, either within the context of a country or the planet Earth decided "not to recognise" the validity of the so called "power elite" then they would have no power over anyone whatsoever, and would not even exist as such.
The "global power elite" simply cannot exist therefore at all without the consensus agreement, cooperation and given power of Humanity as a whole.
So what then is the solution?
Well last week we saw "The Consciousness Revolution" - this must be the beginning. The majority of people on Earth must awaken at every level. And So the Anna Hazare Movement was a wake up call and should form a watershed moment when we decide to partake wholeheartedly in shaping our lives and destiny

1 comment:

  1. I cannot agree any less on your conclusion - "Conscious Revolution".
