Sometimes keeping the bigger picture in mind, and wanting to close an unnecessary aberration taking up time which can be used more constructively, you take a step which however much you justify as above leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
People can be stressful and petty, behaving like a dog with a bone, refusing to give up whether their arguments lack merit or not, playing to the galleries, garnering a few vociferous friends and shouting from the roof tops etc. Most people are culpable by omission not commission as they will choose not to take sides however much they know what is right. Invariably people who talk a lot are also people who have the least understanding of the goings on. Very few people take the trouble of understanding both sides of a story in its entirety, getting the right facts and then making an unbiased appraisal and decision. Most decisions to support one or the other is half baked knowledge coupled with a desire to be heard maybe with a hope that he/she appears more knowledgeable, "in to" the issue and intelligent.
And leaders, people who actually are in the hot seat juggling several points sometimes have to make a decision that even if they are not wrong, its better to nip these silly issues which otherwise take up so much of time and energy and sometimes the only way to get a stubborn person who is all sound and fury whipping up emotions and sullying and vitiating the entire atmosphere, to just shut the matter out and concentrate on more important and constructive matters, one may even be required to apologize whether culpable or not. Many will say "Well done! You took the high road, did not allow the barking dogs to stop the caravan etc, etc..." but for a proud person to do so is very demeaning and the feeling of self - betrayal is terribly debilitating mentally and physically. Did it as they say for the greater good, but the issue has made me who is basically an enthusiastic non-judgemental and happy person, very upset and a not-good feeling for one self.
However I have never been a quitter and never will be one, so the show will go on, as they say, without any changes, but I will certainly have to take a hard look at several issues and need to do it soon. A very sad day indeed...however with so much right happening, may be one rubbish had to...the balance of the universe? Whatever...tomorrow is another day...hoping this one will be better!
People can be stressful and petty, behaving like a dog with a bone, refusing to give up whether their arguments lack merit or not, playing to the galleries, garnering a few vociferous friends and shouting from the roof tops etc. Most people are culpable by omission not commission as they will choose not to take sides however much they know what is right. Invariably people who talk a lot are also people who have the least understanding of the goings on. Very few people take the trouble of understanding both sides of a story in its entirety, getting the right facts and then making an unbiased appraisal and decision. Most decisions to support one or the other is half baked knowledge coupled with a desire to be heard maybe with a hope that he/she appears more knowledgeable, "in to" the issue and intelligent.
And leaders, people who actually are in the hot seat juggling several points sometimes have to make a decision that even if they are not wrong, its better to nip these silly issues which otherwise take up so much of time and energy and sometimes the only way to get a stubborn person who is all sound and fury whipping up emotions and sullying and vitiating the entire atmosphere, to just shut the matter out and concentrate on more important and constructive matters, one may even be required to apologize whether culpable or not. Many will say "Well done! You took the high road, did not allow the barking dogs to stop the caravan etc, etc..." but for a proud person to do so is very demeaning and the feeling of self - betrayal is terribly debilitating mentally and physically. Did it as they say for the greater good, but the issue has made me who is basically an enthusiastic non-judgemental and happy person, very upset and a not-good feeling for one self.
However I have never been a quitter and never will be one, so the show will go on, as they say, without any changes, but I will certainly have to take a hard look at several issues and need to do it soon. A very sad day indeed...however with so much right happening, may be one rubbish had to...the balance of the universe? Whatever...tomorrow is another day...hoping this one will be better!
Difficult people do exist in every organisation.. They come in every variety and no workplace is without them. How difficult a person is for you to deal with depends on your self-esteem, your self-confidence and your professional courage. But It is difficult to manage in social organisation than work place. That is the price one has to pay to keep the membesr in club. It is much easier to grant them membership than remove them. Make difficult to join the club then suffer later. :) make proper background checkup.