Despite planning a road trip for the month end, we wanted to get a feel of the Scorpio on the highway, so we decided on a quick half-day visit to Ranganathittu to do some bird watching (of the feathered kind, naturally!!) and croc spotting. Woke up at 4.45am, had coffee, shot off a couple of emails rearranging our day and got ready with camera and a bottle of water and left home at 6am.
Beautiful cool breeze and the promise of a lovely day made the drive interesting...after our
The Bird Sanctuary at Ranganathittu owes its existence to the world famous ornithologist Dr. Salim Ali who convinced the Maharaja of Mysore in 1940 to declare Ranganthittu as a protected
We returned home at 1.35pm. The entire joy of the trip fizzles out in the last 1 hour when you creep back home in a bumper to bumper traffic.
This photo is special - it is a bird feeding another and Ranga caught it just in the nick of time!
Date - 18/11/2011
Diatance Clocked - 300kms
Route taken - Bangalore - Srirangapattana - Ranganathittu and back.
Mileage - about 14kms/litre of diesel.
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